"conspiracy theories"

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"conspiracy theories"

Post by spark » Sat Nov 01, 2008 12:08 pm

I am not creating this thread for people to write theirs or others "conspiracy theories", the aim is more towards discussing this whole thing of "conspiracy theories" and what is going on with it. People are being labeled "conspiracy theorists", what is this? Is it a form of abuse/ persecution?
Just before 9/11, George Bush said something like 'we will not tolerate conspiracy theories'. Since, it may be that, people who wish to know more about the world in which they live, have been are being and will be persecuted by others who feel they have the authority to do so.
Do we shoot the post man for delivering the phone bill? Do we rebel against the teacher for teaching us to read and write as it will then lead to us having to sit exams? Do we choose to blind rather than see after having being blind all of our lives?
So, Come on you people who destroy the lives of those who simply want to understand and those who want to spread understanding than living a lie, someone elses lie. Tell us why you are doing it. Have you been subliminally programed by TV and films or something? What do you feel when someone presents you with something new and you react?
Have you been abused by others for simply talking about something because that is all it is, just another subject on planet earth, which may just be pertinent to our very existence, past present and future, but we may not want to know these things?
Perhaps at that point, the individual has a shocking realisation that, the knowledge that they had pinned their ego to and used in many conversations and debates, their education and up bringing, suddenly the bottom falls out of it and they are empty, devoid of understanding when before it was all nicely stacked up, albeit in an illusory form. I have been there also, which is why I can write about it. It can hurt when the rug is pulled from under us, when the ground starts shifting about under our feet, but to simply blame the bearer of new information/ knowledge is a bit off.
Those who are currently being persecuted in this way may come to the fore as time goes on and people begin to develop an appetite for such new fresh knowledge and UNDERSTANDING which comes from knowledge. Then there may be less persecution in the world rather than the more which some may fear.

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