CallooCallay! The Great Edinburgh Scavenger Hunt - 10.12.11

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CallooCallay! The Great Edinburgh Scavenger Hunt - 10.12.11

Post by Margarida » Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:46 am


Can you find a seashell in the city? Kiss Sir Walter Scott? Find a hero for a policeman? Shoot the Urban Fox?

It’s a city wide treasure hunt type thing…

How It Works

1. Register your team by emailing with your team name, the number of members and at least one mobile phone number. £10 per team if you register by Thursday 8th December. Otherwise £15 to register on the day.

2. Come, with your team and possibly wearing comfortable shoes, to Old St Paul’s, Jeffrey Street, Edinburgh by 11am on Saturday 10th December.

3. You will be allocated a table on which to collect your clues over the course of the day.

4. At 11am, each team will receive a sheet of printed clues. Some clues may be worth more points than others. Some may require creativity, others a knowledge of the city, wit, ingenuity, cheek…but where possible, none will require any purchasing or expensive equipment. There is an extra point available for every clue answered in the most original way.

5. And they’re off! Your team has between 11am and 5pm to collect as many clues as possible, in the best way you see fit. Stay together. Split up. Bring them back one by one, or all together in the final minutes. We don’t care. We do care that…

6. …by the stroke of 5pm, your team is assembled with all clues you have managed to gather in place. The team of beady eyed judges will then award the relevant points, and confer honour, glory and a grand cash prize of £100 on the team who has accumulated the most points. There may be other prizes available en route.

We salute you. Come and play.

only when the clock stops does time come to life

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